PMs in progress! Happy to be working with you, Chachan! <3 >w< This'll be great!
I finished something today that I've been chipping at between work, life, and games.
Spoilers-ish? ... Foreshadowing, anyway! I've mustered some courage to work on a Sei plot. It's always nerve-wracking to DM that sort of thing.. because sure, I want character development for my dude, but I always want to make sure those involved have some self-fulfillment, development, and feel as important as they are too!
Anyway, a visual I had stuck in my mind's eye that's... sort of a vague end-game path, but we'll see where story takes us! Yay all that magical Aether stuff
I finished something today that I've been chipping at between work, life, and games.
Spoilers-ish? ... Foreshadowing, anyway! I've mustered some courage to work on a Sei plot. It's always nerve-wracking to DM that sort of thing.. because sure, I want character development for my dude, but I always want to make sure those involved have some self-fulfillment, development, and feel as important as they are too!
Anyway, a visual I had stuck in my mind's eye that's... sort of a vague end-game path, but we'll see where story takes us! Yay all that magical Aether stuff
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Nenia Reihnolh (WIP)
Seitsuda Hironiwa (WIP)
Eshima Hirabayashi