Odette originally struggled to read and write in her backstory, due to the fact she and many Ala Mhigan's fled during the Garlean invasion; meaning that for she it was early childhood. Time in Little Ala Mhigo yielded some results but it was never going to be anything close to what was considered a decent education. Especially when she went on to spend her life at sea as a deckhand. It wasn't until her teen years when she got involved with [THINGS] that she actually worked to become decent at it as a necessity.
I hope that helps in some way, and answers your questions!
I hope that helps in some way, and answers your questions!
"When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw."
-|| Odette Saoirse | Femme Fatale | Balmung | Wikiâ†Leave rumors! | The Hands of Edelweiss ||-
-|| Odette Saoirse | Femme Fatale | Balmung | Wikiâ†Leave rumors! | The Hands of Edelweiss ||-