Regarding Vidofnir: I get the feeling that Nidhogg didn't kill Vidofnir lest he risk Hraesvelgr intervening directly against him. Wounding Vidofnir is enough to send a message without blatantly provoking Hrasevelgr's brood....maybe. I'm not sure if I should give Square Enix's writers that much credit; I am entirely willing to believe that they're just lazy and don't want to commit to killing a character (stares at Nanamo).
Although Nidhogg still should have taken the time to torch some civvies to really reignite the war, pun intended. It would have actually made the result of the conference, well, worrying, and given the ending some weight, rather than Nidhogg just showing up, chortling, and bouncing away while the Ishgardians shake their fists and say "We'll get you next time, Nidhogg, you dastardly scoundrel!"
I still have no idea why Thancred is wearing an eyepatch other than "Japanese character design".
The Emmallenain bit was kind of nice though I question why it was there at all. Would have been nice for Haurchefant to have been given even a scrap of that kind of character development.
Grand melee was silly. Bread and circuses for unity.
Prediction: Aymeric is eventually turned into a scapegoat when the war reignites and he is cornered by angry protestors but manages to survive by hiding underneath a nearby dumpster.
Although Nidhogg still should have taken the time to torch some civvies to really reignite the war, pun intended. It would have actually made the result of the conference, well, worrying, and given the ending some weight, rather than Nidhogg just showing up, chortling, and bouncing away while the Ishgardians shake their fists and say "We'll get you next time, Nidhogg, you dastardly scoundrel!"
I still have no idea why Thancred is wearing an eyepatch other than "Japanese character design".
The Emmallenain bit was kind of nice though I question why it was there at all. Would have been nice for Haurchefant to have been given even a scrap of that kind of character development.
Grand melee was silly. Bread and circuses for unity.
Prediction: Aymeric is eventually turned into a scapegoat when the war reignites and he is cornered by angry protestors but manages to survive by hiding underneath a nearby dumpster.