(02-24-2016, 10:15 PM)Warren Castille Wrote: Spin it any way you'd like, it doesn't make sense to me that the guy declaring war on everyone trying to make peace would stop himself from murdering Big Lady V because he's afraid of repercussion. He drives the spear in after the impale, for crying out loud!
It's a shitty message to send and makes him look like a chump. "I'll kill you, just not right now, because I won't actually kill you right now, BUT I WILL NEXT TIME BE AFRAID RARGH."
Meta: Vid is a quest-giver, and SE won't/doesn't have the manpower to change all of the questing stuff should someone intentionally wait to do the sidestuff after the MSQ.
Alternatively, this is just classic shitty fantasy villain writing wherein he's braindead and poorly written.
Are you suggesting that Square Enix has shoddy writing? En garde, sir! I challenge you to take such baseless accusations back!
Fearing Dravanian reprisal is the only justification I can think of as to why Nidhogg didn't kill Vidofnir, although there is NO excuse for Nidhogg not just torching half the crowd before leaving. The only other explanation is that Nidhogg isn't used to controlling a humanoid form and botched the assassination, which just makes him look more cartoonishly villainous than he already is.
Also, it might be a reference to something from 1.0, but Thancred feeling responsible for not stopping a goobbue from breaking free in Ul'dah and killing Minfillia's dad is...good lord. I don't even know how to describe how utterly idiotic I find it. It's about as serious as Minfillia's dad being a janitor working for Siegfried and Roy and getting mauled by the tiger. It's just outright silly. I think I was supposed to laugh but I'm not entirely sure, but I certainly hope it wasn't intended for me to take that seriously.