(02-24-2016, 10:26 PM)Nero Wrote: Also, it might be a reference to something from 1.0, but Thancred feeling responsible for not stopping a goobbue from breaking free in Ul'dah and killing Minfillia's dad is...good lord. I don't even know how to describe how utterly idiotic I find it. It's about as serious as Minfillia's dad being a janitor working for Siegfried and Roy and getting mauled by the tiger. It's just outright silly. I think I was supposed to laugh but I'm not entirely sure, but I certainly hope it wasn't intended for me to take that seriously.People feel like shit for stupid stuff all the time. To me it's as good an excuse as any, though the method of presenting made it look completely silly.
I mean, unless he was directly the guy controlling the Gobbue. And he was drunk on the job. Also was teasing the Gobbue with a delicious whatever those things eat. And then pointed in the direction of the crowd saying "TEN GIL SAYS YOU CAN'T STAMPEDE THROUGH THE CROWD YA WEAKSAUCE GOBBUE."
I could understand the angst if that was the case.