Also, is no one going to mention how tired the "We don't know where to go/how to get somewhere without Matoya" plot device is? The characters might as well outright say "Matoya has a copy of the script, let's ask her to turn the page for us".
Also, again with abandoned Sharlayan shit. How far is this going to go before it just becomes a parody?
"Matoya, the Ascians have obtained the launch codes to the USS Nebraska's payload of Trident-II ICBMs! What do we do!?"
"Not to worry Y'shtola, the script says that an abandoned Sharlayan facility holds an experimental missile defense system! The Iron Dome 2.0 will save Eorzea! But don't ask me for help again, y'hear!?"
Also, again with abandoned Sharlayan shit. How far is this going to go before it just becomes a parody?
"Matoya, the Ascians have obtained the launch codes to the USS Nebraska's payload of Trident-II ICBMs! What do we do!?"
"Not to worry Y'shtola, the script says that an abandoned Sharlayan facility holds an experimental missile defense system! The Iron Dome 2.0 will save Eorzea! But don't ask me for help again, y'hear!?"