(02-25-2016, 09:21 AM)Inarah Wrote: Agreed, much better this time round. Was really nice to hear more authentic accents.
But please bring back Gideon Emery, hnnnnghh.
As much as I like Gideon Emery I feel like he's a tad overused. He's not necessarily worth the money, either, I feel. He's a great voice actor, sure - but the 'big names' are no doubt very expensive. I feel like the current batch of voice actors are just as immersive and I'd hazard a guess that they're better value for money too.
Plus I've sort of been soured by Gideon voicing too many elves across a number of games. He has a very distinct voice, too, so I can't help but think of Balthier whenever I hear him speak.