Scattered thoughts cuz I'm at work and can't go looking for sources:
I liked the Goobue being brought up again but to anyone who didn't see the 1.0 scene, it just sounds silly. Goobs are like hippos: People might find them silly and cute but they're still huge, strong wild animals with big jaws. A black and white still image of a Goobue smashing a dude would have helped keep the tone serious.
I'm a bit disappointed that we got forced to fight for Ishgard instead of getting to pick our GC but getting to fight Raubahn was fun. Also a bit disappointed the fight would be the same even for players not in IF, but maybe there will be a chance to duel Admiral/Senna later.
This patch was too full of deathblows failing to kill anyone. Minfilia (haha my phone autocorrected to Mongolia) may be "gone to us" but I'm sure she is neither dead nor gone. The maid surviving at least served a bit of a narrative purpose for the next scene (and I hope we'll see her again once the fighting gets underway) but white dragon friend surviving as well just seemed too convenient.
UpsidedownTower was fun but kinda pointless. Amdapor City HM on the other hand was cool. I think people were talking about the animated WHM/BLM mobs but don't forget a third mob comes with them: The "Monk" (probably in the European monastic sense). My personal guess is that they're void guys and responsible for keeping the mages' souls functional. Also, possible source of soul gems for aspiring BLM/WHM RPers?
Haven't done Alex or Hildy yet, but it's Friday night!
I liked the Goobue being brought up again but to anyone who didn't see the 1.0 scene, it just sounds silly. Goobs are like hippos: People might find them silly and cute but they're still huge, strong wild animals with big jaws. A black and white still image of a Goobue smashing a dude would have helped keep the tone serious.
I'm a bit disappointed that we got forced to fight for Ishgard instead of getting to pick our GC but getting to fight Raubahn was fun. Also a bit disappointed the fight would be the same even for players not in IF, but maybe there will be a chance to duel Admiral/Senna later.
This patch was too full of deathblows failing to kill anyone. Minfilia (haha my phone autocorrected to Mongolia) may be "gone to us" but I'm sure she is neither dead nor gone. The maid surviving at least served a bit of a narrative purpose for the next scene (and I hope we'll see her again once the fighting gets underway) but white dragon friend surviving as well just seemed too convenient.
UpsidedownTower was fun but kinda pointless. Amdapor City HM on the other hand was cool. I think people were talking about the animated WHM/BLM mobs but don't forget a third mob comes with them: The "Monk" (probably in the European monastic sense). My personal guess is that they're void guys and responsible for keeping the mages' souls functional. Also, possible source of soul gems for aspiring BLM/WHM RPers?
Haven't done Alex or Hildy yet, but it's Friday night!