(03-24-2016, 06:16 AM)FallenFedora Wrote: I have to agree wholeheartedly - I cannot think of a time, in any game in which I've roleplayed - in which any single character I've interacted with over the years took a moment to reflect on the significance of the act of taking a life, or examined the consequences on the psyche. You're absolutely right - the vast majority seem to just shrug their shoulders at the prospect, war torn Eorzea or not.
Or, they may simply never have done the reflecting around you (or mentioned it to you OOC).
Sometimes characters go through things that other players have no knowledge of, because it happens when that character isn't around your character, or it's a private moment that they don't share with you. Unless you're omniscient, really all you can say is that you didn't witness a single character reflecting on the significance.