In Game Theme(s): The business of War. We're a "corporation" with and R&D team, a medical staff, it's own militia, and even jobs like bartenders, secretaries, and janitorial staff. Think Shinra from FF7, but on Eorzea's side not against it.
FC/LS Name: Night Blades <NB>
Contacts: Ile Kha (Guild leader), Armi Muramasa (Storyteller) , Tayri Skyflare (RP officer), Brinoix Alrhine (Raid officer), Gilles Leverauex (PR/HR Officer)
Housing: Night Blades HQ, Lavender Beds Ward 5, plot 6 - first floor open to anyone.
FC/LS Name: Night Blades <NB>
Contacts: Ile Kha (Guild leader), Armi Muramasa (Storyteller) , Tayri Skyflare (RP officer), Brinoix Alrhine (Raid officer), Gilles Leverauex (PR/HR Officer)
Housing: Night Blades HQ, Lavender Beds Ward 5, plot 6 - first floor open to anyone.