(04-19-2016, 09:00 AM)SicketySix Wrote: Hello all. Just recently I've decided to dip into the raiding side of FFXIV. Have been level 60 for quite some time now and have never touched a raid, nor do I have 50/60 expert roulette unlocked. I've been looking up different raids and I are that uhhh, I think Alexander Savage is what most are running now.
So do I need to complete Alexander Normal to unlock Gordias/Savage or is it an entirely separate unlock?
Also, my ilvl is at 216 right now. All 220 Elkyion (spelling) gear but only just got the ilvl 200 tomestone weapon last night. Attached is my gear, if that helps with anything
Is it even worth running Void Ark if my ilvl is already higher than the drop?
So I guess my question is very basic: What do I need to do to become relevant in raiding?
Alex (Gordias) Savage is the old raid now. Midas Savage is what folks are running. You do not need Gordias Savage to unlock Midas Savage, just Midas normal (as Warren reminded me, yes, you need to clear Alex normal to unlock Midas normal). Clearing Sepherot EX should be on your to-do list as well since many groups expect this clear as a sign of some capability (was needed for weapon, but now many have the lore weapon or upgraded anima).
VA is the casual raid. You will want to run it weekly for the auto-drop that gets you a grade V materia of your choice.
You will want to make sure your ilvl is over 220 at this point and know your rotation well. Raiding is much more demanding than any of the 4 man content. Pay attention to the stats on your gear rather than just the ilvl. You can find guides per class out there.
Most importantly, make sure you have patience and a thick skin. Good luck!

(I want to add... "Raids" to me are the hardest endgame content we have currently. Things such as VA and Alex/Midas normal are casual raids.)