You're good on accuracy so you'll definitely want to focus all Crit materia for your melds since your current crit is pretty low. After accuracy, you want Crit as your next priority in the secondary stats.
Doing Void Ark at least once a week will give you an easy opportunity to get a Savage Aim V. Otherwise get SA4's which are cheaper and you won't deal with the loss of a V, so you'll have to save the Vs for maybe ilevel 230 gear and weapons.
I would also suggest starting on the Anima Bard weapon quest since that looks to the BiS for the moment.
But yeah going through Gordias and Midas normal mode is a breeze, Savage is a whole other ball game, just bare in mind it may take awhile to clear a floor.
Basically you're gonna want a good balance of Midas and Lore gear that will give you the best stats, at that point it'll be more important than ilevel.
Doing Void Ark at least once a week will give you an easy opportunity to get a Savage Aim V. Otherwise get SA4's which are cheaper and you won't deal with the loss of a V, so you'll have to save the Vs for maybe ilevel 230 gear and weapons.
I would also suggest starting on the Anima Bard weapon quest since that looks to the BiS for the moment.
But yeah going through Gordias and Midas normal mode is a breeze, Savage is a whole other ball game, just bare in mind it may take awhile to clear a floor.
Basically you're gonna want a good balance of Midas and Lore gear that will give you the best stats, at that point it'll be more important than ilevel.