It actually explains why the likes of Gaius and Livia also had such flashy abilities despite their lack of an ability to wield magic. I'm very happy with this revelation since it's likely to be a major boost for Garlean role-players and it also has the benefit of making magitek much more of a mysterious threat.
When sheathed, at least, the Ravana (EX) weapons glow a 'ceruleum blue' and red during battle itself. They might make for a good way to reflect an empowered ceruleum weapon for Garlean role-players.
I also really like Regula. I hope he remains loyal to the Emperor and that, if he does pull a 'Kefka', he betrays the Emperor due to corruption rather than of his own free will to add a measure of tragedy to his story.
I have to say, though, that stuff like this makes me much more inclined to play a Pureblood Garlean - especially since Regula actually teleported away from danger. It's a shame we didn't get an explanation for that...but it suggests that there's ways for Garleans to teleport despite their inability to use aetherytes.
When sheathed, at least, the Ravana (EX) weapons glow a 'ceruleum blue' and red during battle itself. They might make for a good way to reflect an empowered ceruleum weapon for Garlean role-players.
I also really like Regula. I hope he remains loyal to the Emperor and that, if he does pull a 'Kefka', he betrays the Emperor due to corruption rather than of his own free will to add a measure of tragedy to his story.
I have to say, though, that stuff like this makes me much more inclined to play a Pureblood Garlean - especially since Regula actually teleported away from danger. It's a shame we didn't get an explanation for that...but it suggests that there's ways for Garleans to teleport despite their inability to use aetherytes.