(07-30-2016, 05:41 PM)Ari Kagon Wrote:Looks like its a double date. I think folks just need to come on home to make some of this stuff happen.(07-29-2016, 06:05 PM)Ekidna Wrote: Hello there Ael',
What would you actually look for in Void-related plot?
Playing a voidsent myself, I'm connected with a few Void-related characters, but we tend to stick together and out of random RPs for now (it only feels natural when playing bordeline characters I guess). It all depends on what you aim at by this kind of connections and what you're expecting to find/build.
I would love to RP with either /both of you as my alt is also a voidsent. She's been looking to cause some trouble while furthering her own motives.
I need to wrassle some voidsentÂÂ