Hi there, hello! I'm the Leader of the LS Kilieit mentioned, but I've been on break from the game for a little bit. Just returned, and looking to set things up again and take things back to basics to rebuild. Shoot me a tell in game if you're interested.
The Hands of Edelweiss
The Hands of Edelweiss
"When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw."
-|| Odette Saoirse | Femme Fatale | Balmung | Wikiâ†Leave rumors! | The Hands of Edelweiss ||-
-|| Odette Saoirse | Femme Fatale | Balmung | Wikiâ†Leave rumors! | The Hands of Edelweiss ||-