(09-13-2016, 08:02 PM)Unnamed Mercenary Wrote:(09-13-2016, 07:49 PM)Kiyoko Wrote:Scaly appearance, dragon lineage? Or Demon?It is no secret that Au Ra is entirely different with their lizard-like tails and scales. Why do they have scales? Are they descents of dragons, or demons? Can anyone provide any information here that would help further my character development?
There's nothing to verify in any form. It's mostly left up to perception and racism of characters in the game. We don't have a known lineage for Au Ra, although we know the other playable races all apparently had some common ancestor. (inb4 it was the Allags). They're not related  to dragons or lizards. They have a "demon-like theme," but t here's nothing saying that they actually are demons. Or related to voidsent, which is more a genre than a specific race.
I've dug around for days trying to find lore on Doma and Raen. It's pretty lean. From what I've read nothing in the game maker materials speaks of demonic or draconic heritige. However, it is implied that -some- Au Ra may -think- they have a noble dragonic bloodline (*cough cough, mine*), as the lore suggests while mentioning the gods of the Au Ra. I'm wagering that it's merely a societal belief and not necessarily a biological one, since the page goes on to say scholars refute the connection due to un-dragon like physical traits the Au Ra possess.