Except he did all the calculations according to the plot and he decided the best option for himself was to effectively do nothing and remove itself from play rather than affect the timeline - and that would theoretically include not changing who was in/around Alex during its existence and actions. The only motions it made to affect the timeline was to avoid breaking reality due to a not maintaining a closed time loop... and making it so the Illuminati wouldn't succeed through gentle nudgings of a clockwork cat - an action to ensure that the Warrior of Light would win. So it's less that he chose the timeline where X character gains the ability to summon them and more that he's putting his faith in the Warrior of Light because they are the Specialest Snowflake.
Everything else would be secondary, I would figure. Besides, it is outright stated that the Warrior of Light is SO special that Alex can't see beyond a certain point in time because of him. Because the Warrior of Light is so amazing and unpredictable and unfathomable.
Everything else would be secondary, I would figure. Besides, it is outright stated that the Warrior of Light is SO special that Alex can't see beyond a certain point in time because of him. Because the Warrior of Light is so amazing and unpredictable and unfathomable.