(10-19-2016, 10:39 AM)Gegenji Wrote:(10-19-2016, 10:12 AM)Roderick Wrote: Because, on average, in my personal experience, those players that have stayed within the boundaries of the lore have created far more compelling stories and interesting characters than those that stray off to, for instance, be the 11th dragoon.You will not speak ill of Xargdoon. He is a collection of Estinien's memories that were suppressed when he was possessed by Nidhogg, and created by the Ascians in an attempt to have a more controllable Azure Dragoon should Estinien break free.
(sorry not sorry)
I think the issue is the variance on people's acceptance of lore-bending. What the boundaries are for what someone "can" or "cannot" play, kept solely in the purview of "will I RP with them." There are some that cleave super-close to the lore, using the restriction and provided lore alone to thrive through creativity through limitations. Others delve more into the "what if" gray areas and bring forth fanciful ideas - swerving away from the lore to varying degrees. There is fun to be had all across the spectrum, especially on a server as populous as Balmung, depending on your own preferences and comfort.
And there's equal chances that any of them can be played poorly, just as even the most overpowered or bog-standard character concept can be interesting in the right hands. It's just the more fanciful ones are more quickly... written off... and (perhaps rightfully at times) have a bad stigma to them. Sometimes for good reason, sometimes not. I just don't think it's enough reason to dismiss wanting to play more fanciful characters out of hand. After all, this is a fantasy MMO, right? Maybe some folks just want to play something fantastical now and then.
I'm not disagreeing. Different tastes, different styles. Neither side of the spectrum is wrong, as I stated in my first post in this thread.
My point with the average bit was to state that you can't take personal experences, in this regard, and turn around to claim it as whole truth fact. I was simply requesting clarification on his part, ir.. the off chance that some such study actually does exist out there.
His personal experience is that he found characters that stretch the lore in some fashion are more compelling. My personal experience was the opposite. Neither is the whole truth fact for the entire server because, as you and now I have stated, different tastes.
The problem that a lot of posters in this thread seem to be glancing over is that, as far as I've seen, no one has said "you can't do this". All I've seen is people with different tastes saying "you play what you want, you have every right", a few suggestions for following or bending the lore. Then a fair handful of people come in seemingly taking that as an attack..policing and witch hunts. As said in my first post, I don't see policing or witch hunts happening, nor do I expect them to start with this newfound information.
And as to Xargdoon, full credit goes to the sister thread with regard to the 11th dragoon.