As the host of the Golden Gala, I wanted to drop a reply here and apologize that you didn't have a good time at the event. We host this event every year to give people a fun way to spend an evening, and it always sucks to hear that you fall short on delivering that, whether it's a hundred people or just one.
One thing I do want to point out, however, is that a specific hallway section off of the Gold Court was mentioned in the event flier last night (see "The Dance Queue") as a hotspot for people to congregate specifically for the purpose of finding RP partners in the mess of bodies because we knew people would have issues like this at the Gala.
I actually spoke to Rhos about this well before the event while we were in planning stages, trying to figure out a means for us to offer some way for lone RPers to more easily find RP. One idea I had was a sort of dance partner roulette, but honestly, we just didn't have the manpower to spare with everything else that we had to run and manage during the Gala itself. So the Dance Queue hallway section was intended to be a compromise; we couldn't afford to manually set people up together for RP, but we hoped that people would use that specific area to try and more easily find others actively looking for RP partners in the massive throng of people and unending, head-spinning chatscroll.
Sadly, it seemed that not many people utilized it as it was intended. I looked over a few times and found a couple people sitting over there with their /LFM flags up throughout the night, but not many. I'll take responsibility for that, as I feel I could've advertised it more. But in my naivety, I assumed people would read it on the flier and I felt I was already spamming /yells enough without adding even more announcements.
That said, we'll definitely take your feedback into consideration for next year's Golden Gala, and apologies again that you didn't have a great time.
One thing I do want to point out, however, is that a specific hallway section off of the Gold Court was mentioned in the event flier last night (see "The Dance Queue") as a hotspot for people to congregate specifically for the purpose of finding RP partners in the mess of bodies because we knew people would have issues like this at the Gala.
I actually spoke to Rhos about this well before the event while we were in planning stages, trying to figure out a means for us to offer some way for lone RPers to more easily find RP. One idea I had was a sort of dance partner roulette, but honestly, we just didn't have the manpower to spare with everything else that we had to run and manage during the Gala itself. So the Dance Queue hallway section was intended to be a compromise; we couldn't afford to manually set people up together for RP, but we hoped that people would use that specific area to try and more easily find others actively looking for RP partners in the massive throng of people and unending, head-spinning chatscroll.
Sadly, it seemed that not many people utilized it as it was intended. I looked over a few times and found a couple people sitting over there with their /LFM flags up throughout the night, but not many. I'll take responsibility for that, as I feel I could've advertised it more. But in my naivety, I assumed people would read it on the flier and I felt I was already spamming /yells enough without adding even more announcements.
That said, we'll definitely take your feedback into consideration for next year's Golden Gala, and apologies again that you didn't have a great time.