Forgive me ahead of time if this sounds like a shameless plug, but problems such as this. Or rather, people feeling like this, is exactly why myself and a few other's founded and built Wanderer's Respite like we did. We noticed there was a lack of places where someone could take a character; Shy, socially awkward, unknown, new as a character or even to Rp, or the game in general, etc. And get Rp from people as soon as they walked in the door.
That, is exactly what our FC and establishment is there for, so if you, or if anyone within this thread rather. Feels as if they would like a place to go, meet new people, or just know they can get rp without the crowds or anxiety. Your free to stop by at anytime and come say hello with your characters~
There aren't many of us at current, given were a new establishment and all. But if your willing to put up with things being a bit quiet, and there being only a few of us. We'd be glad to have you. <3
That, is exactly what our FC and establishment is there for, so if you, or if anyone within this thread rather. Feels as if they would like a place to go, meet new people, or just know they can get rp without the crowds or anxiety. Your free to stop by at anytime and come say hello with your characters~
There aren't many of us at current, given were a new establishment and all. But if your willing to put up with things being a bit quiet, and there being only a few of us. We'd be glad to have you. <3