I want to take a minute to just address 'clique' as it's used here.
So if someone decides to RP with a group of people or just one person for an event then they are these evil clique people.
Honestly? This just feels really strawman. It sounds like a way to blame this faceless, nameless concept when RP doesn't go your way.
Is someone a jerk if they ignore you when you walk up? Hell yeah. I had that happen to me TODAY ON MY FRONT LAWN. (Rude af) Know what I did? I said "Wow, that guy is a jerk." and moved along and found RP elsewhere.
It's not a 'cliques' fault. It's not the fault of people having a group of friends or an FC. Like this concept just honestly tries to make people feel bad for having a social group and that's frigging dumb.
You want to hold people responsible for their actions? Cool. Awesome. Go for it. When you're aware of the entire situation. Odds are if you're defaulting to "Oh dude's just got a clique." Then you don't know.
No new people walked up to me at the Gala. Did I respond to walkups? Yes. Was I there to really only RP with one person? Yes. Did wallflowers probably think me and my one person were probably a 'clique' because we have the same FC tag and not even bother to walk up? It's possible.
Also shout out to the folk that put this event on. Stuff like this is NEVER easy and you guys deserve tons of props for doing it. You're literally going out of your way to create RP for the entire server and it often goes unappreciated.
So if someone decides to RP with a group of people or just one person for an event then they are these evil clique people.
Honestly? This just feels really strawman. It sounds like a way to blame this faceless, nameless concept when RP doesn't go your way.
Is someone a jerk if they ignore you when you walk up? Hell yeah. I had that happen to me TODAY ON MY FRONT LAWN. (Rude af) Know what I did? I said "Wow, that guy is a jerk." and moved along and found RP elsewhere.
It's not a 'cliques' fault. It's not the fault of people having a group of friends or an FC. Like this concept just honestly tries to make people feel bad for having a social group and that's frigging dumb.
You want to hold people responsible for their actions? Cool. Awesome. Go for it. When you're aware of the entire situation. Odds are if you're defaulting to "Oh dude's just got a clique." Then you don't know.
No new people walked up to me at the Gala. Did I respond to walkups? Yes. Was I there to really only RP with one person? Yes. Did wallflowers probably think me and my one person were probably a 'clique' because we have the same FC tag and not even bother to walk up? It's possible.
Also shout out to the folk that put this event on. Stuff like this is NEVER easy and you guys deserve tons of props for doing it. You're literally going out of your way to create RP for the entire server and it often goes unappreciated.