This is my heart to heart to the OP meant in the best way.
When it comes down to it, RP is a lot like interactions in RL at times; there will people who will ignore you, be grumpy, stalk you, have a cocky attitude, or maybe just give you polite conversation. In the end everyone here -are- people with their own personalities and opinions and that's how I've always viewed the RP community as alive.
Me personally? I don't have issues with that because I'm not as easily fazed by one or two people ignoring my walk-up. There are hundreds of different people in the game and there are some really nice people out there, good people. The real trick is just finding them. Running around, looking for RP in Ul'dah? Look for someone else you can tell is pacing around for hours on end hoping someone who will approach them. This can go into the argument that people shouldn't be sensitive and take the initiative if they want something, but again, human behavior is anything but predictable and it's hard to fault someone by their emotions if they are being sincere. A lot of people go to these events with friends because they are shy themselves and they don't know what people will think of them. Some, to be frank, might be assholes to you, but if you let that hinder you it will only lead to more sadness and alone time; I've been there.
My best words are stay upbeat, keep your chin up, and show confidence. After all, you only truly fail when you give up. : )
That being said, my "Walk-ups loved" tag does mean I love walk-ups and I'll only turn you down if something is wrong IRL or if I just don't have the time to do a full scene. Either way, I hope you have better luck and feel free to poke me if you ever see me in game.
When it comes down to it, RP is a lot like interactions in RL at times; there will people who will ignore you, be grumpy, stalk you, have a cocky attitude, or maybe just give you polite conversation. In the end everyone here -are- people with their own personalities and opinions and that's how I've always viewed the RP community as alive.
Me personally? I don't have issues with that because I'm not as easily fazed by one or two people ignoring my walk-up. There are hundreds of different people in the game and there are some really nice people out there, good people. The real trick is just finding them. Running around, looking for RP in Ul'dah? Look for someone else you can tell is pacing around for hours on end hoping someone who will approach them. This can go into the argument that people shouldn't be sensitive and take the initiative if they want something, but again, human behavior is anything but predictable and it's hard to fault someone by their emotions if they are being sincere. A lot of people go to these events with friends because they are shy themselves and they don't know what people will think of them. Some, to be frank, might be assholes to you, but if you let that hinder you it will only lead to more sadness and alone time; I've been there.
My best words are stay upbeat, keep your chin up, and show confidence. After all, you only truly fail when you give up. : )
That being said, my "Walk-ups loved" tag does mean I love walk-ups and I'll only turn you down if something is wrong IRL or if I just don't have the time to do a full scene. Either way, I hope you have better luck and feel free to poke me if you ever see me in game.
" There's a skinny girl inside me crying to get out...But I can usually shut her up with cookies" - Rini