Sadly, this is what people are talking about when they mention how some people in the community feel "entitled" to RP without putting any effort in whatsoever. You didn't do anything in this situation. You can't be blamed for anyone else's bad attitude and lack of social skills. If you see others around you who seem to be "fishing" for RP--even ones doing it as poorly as this guy was--it would definitely be nice of you to approach them and emote at them, but you are not at all obligated or expected to do that.
And the "glances at ____" approach can work if you want to get someone's attention, but is a thing that's easy enough to miss or write off IC and/or OOC that I don't think anyone can rightly get frustrated if the other role-player doesn't take the bait.
And the "glances at ____" approach can work if you want to get someone's attention, but is a thing that's easy enough to miss or write off IC and/or OOC that I don't think anyone can rightly get frustrated if the other role-player doesn't take the bait.