As I said to each their own. What one may enjoy another may not. Maybe the dozens upon dozens is what I feel the issue is. But my original post was a suggestion. I did not say the op should go do this but it is another option she can add to her list if she wishes. My aim was not to derail the thread any or to have people tell me my thought on the matter was wrong because it was not their own.Â
Also you can scout out a server before you made said choice.
 For all the good times I have had on Balmung they are long in the past. Scout out a server if you want to make sure you fit in or will like it there, check the state of houses the market. Do a checklist if you are planning to transfer your character so it won't be a waste of money. Heck make connections before you do it so you know you are going to have rp if you are that worried about it.
I'm not suggesting a server jump is for everyone either. Maybe if I didn't have the long list of terrible experiences and memories on the server I wouldn't mind sticking around but to pay the monthly fee and not enjoy myself is just silly.
Also you can scout out a server before you made said choice.

I'm not suggesting a server jump is for everyone either. Maybe if I didn't have the long list of terrible experiences and memories on the server I wouldn't mind sticking around but to pay the monthly fee and not enjoy myself is just silly.
Wiki:Â Lorraine Dunois
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