(12-29-2016, 09:25 AM)ArmachiA Wrote: Balmung's greatest strength is that it has so many rpers, it's also it's greatest weakness. I can count a number of games on fingers and toes that RPers wanted what Balmung had - to pick one rp server for everyone to go to. It never happened obviously, but watching Balmung is watching what people actually wanted and seeing the grass isn't always greener.
We can probably easily surmise 75% of all RPers are on Balmung. This means if you want to get some decent RP in and actually find RPers, the best place to go is Balmung - they're everywhere after all! Unfortunately the more RPers there are, the more likely you're going to get lost in a crowd. Most RP servers kind lived on the Supply and Demand theory - where there was always a low supply of RPers so people would be open to RP with whoever they ran passed. On Balmung the supply of RPers is really really high, so demand is lower. We can find exactly what we're looking for in our circles - whether it's Lore compliance, or NPC RP, or Warrior of Light RP, or Non-lore Compliance. Hell, you could probably find a Sailormoon RP group on this server if you looked hard enough.
This gives the perception of impenetrable cliques - because we all found what we wanted from whatever circle we're in so we aren't actively looking anymore. That's not to say we don't mind newcomers joining our circle, we just aren't advertising that we're looking. So if groups don't advertise, how does a new person know where to go? The sad part is, you don't. You either have to keep on trucking till you find someone willing to nibble on the line you're throwing out or make your own circle of newbies who also don't have any clue where to go.
Are their cliques on the server? Yeah. Are they impenetrable walls? Nah.
Yes to all this. There have been many threads posted about how hard it is to make it on Balmung, getting enough attention, finding good rp to join, etc. I always liken it to moving to a big city. The analogy is apt; Balmung is the most populated server hands down. Just like moving into a new city, you have to put forth a lot of effort to meet new people and find /your/ place, /your/ comfort zone. Folks aren't going to rush up to every new rper, excited to meet them... it would be like expecting everyone to stop and greet you on Wall Street during morning rush hour.
Breaking into Balmung takes a lot of time and effort, focused effort like looking at wikis and FC/LS info looking for the type of rp you may be interested in; not just half-assing it a few times, then moping about it. (I've spent months doing exactly this. lol.) I realized recently that I was spending nearly all of my game time leveling and grinding tomes and complaining that I got zero rp. It finally occurred to me, 'Well duh... you're not setting aside time to actually rp.' So now I'm trying to look at it like raiding; the only way I'll get better at it is to continuously throw myself in there, no matter how many times I fail and how frustrated I get. Eventually I will succeed and yay, good times!

On a side note: Pretty Guardians (You don't actually have to look hard. xD )