This may be a more harsh, cruel way to look at things but since doing this I haven't had an issue with cliques or otherwise and it's generally led to more happiness in regards to my interactions both ICly and OOCly with others.
1) Approach
2) If a post is overlooked? Whisper the player(s) and see if they didn't just accidentally miss your post.
3) If both the post and the whisper are ignored? Walk away.
That's it. Just walk the @&$% away because if they aren't answering you but are still posting/chatting with friends? They aren't interested in speaking to you or are too distracted to include another individual in the conversation. With that in mind it's better to just focus energy else where or try again at a better time.
Hell, sometimes it's not even a matter of 'omg cliques' and moreso attributed to other things like shyness, chat spam, being afk, overlooking a post because of focusing squarely on the posts around them, or just not feeling like being social outside of friends. Hell, I can't count how many times I've shyly shuffled to large events with friends just to stick by them and not really budge out to the rest of the conglomerate.
If making the effort didn't yield any results, put that effort towards something else. Hit up some other friends for RP or try another event.
Cliques can be frustrating, but they won't stop. They're both normal in MMOs and real life social structure. I've found it's far less fruitful to be angry and better to just shrug it off and move on.
1) Approach
2) If a post is overlooked? Whisper the player(s) and see if they didn't just accidentally miss your post.
3) If both the post and the whisper are ignored? Walk away.
That's it. Just walk the @&$% away because if they aren't answering you but are still posting/chatting with friends? They aren't interested in speaking to you or are too distracted to include another individual in the conversation. With that in mind it's better to just focus energy else where or try again at a better time.
Hell, sometimes it's not even a matter of 'omg cliques' and moreso attributed to other things like shyness, chat spam, being afk, overlooking a post because of focusing squarely on the posts around them, or just not feeling like being social outside of friends. Hell, I can't count how many times I've shyly shuffled to large events with friends just to stick by them and not really budge out to the rest of the conglomerate.
If making the effort didn't yield any results, put that effort towards something else. Hit up some other friends for RP or try another event.
Cliques can be frustrating, but they won't stop. They're both normal in MMOs and real life social structure. I've found it's far less fruitful to be angry and better to just shrug it off and move on.