(12-28-2016, 10:26 PM)Virella Wrote:(12-28-2016, 10:17 PM)Rosekitten Wrote: My personally solution to the issue is looking to a new server. No the community won't be nearly as large but that is not always a bad thing either. Not sure if the OP will read new posts or not but a server change is an option if you really are that unhappy with where you are. (No I didn't read through the pages and pages to see other replies so sorry if it was a suggestion already. I'm sure there is a lot of sound advice in this thread.)
Worst advice given so far. Running from your issues as a shy wallflower aren't going to be magical fixed. In fact, I imagine you only have to try HARDER to get noticed on a server with barely any roleplayers.
Couldn't agree more with this. Running away, or however you want to label it, is a horrible idea.

If anything, the online and RP world helps people with their social skills, dealing with things like rejection, social etiquette, how to treat people, how to deal with the less savory types, faking confidence until you have it and how to become a part of the world without giving up your individuality. Â If you continue to bounce around just waiting for someone to notice you based on silly things like your characters hair color or the same outfit every other person is wearing, you'll never get anything done. The idea that there are "too many people to be noticed" is just illogical.
Just so another person says it..
- Stay put on the server and bask in the extreme diversity this world offers.Â
- Create a unique character using a character sheet if need be, and stick to it. Don't flip flop because of trends or what you think may be popular.
- Bite the bullet and approach people in game. Most times it takes just getting to know one person for things to take off.Â
- Write up a detailed, yet concise post in the Making Connections forums. If you're looking for something, let others know. No one can read minds.
- Create an interesting Wiki of your character. Give people something to work with, including RP hooks.
- Find just a few LS who seem to be of interest and join them. And then chat in them.
- Go to events and emote, even if it's to yourself.Â
- Find a FC, be confident and proactive within it, adding to their story. Don't be just another warm body, what's the point?
- Be friendly if someone talks to you about some OOC thing (quests, dungeons, questions). They may remember your name if they see you in town and be prompted to interact with you ICly as well.
- Be proactive in your game life. Don't be a whiner. No one wants to be around someone who complains about how hard life is when we're all in the same boat.
If you've done even half of the things listed above, I guarantee you'd be RP'ing a lot more than you are. Â