Quote:See, unlike you, I actually have to approach people to let them know I exist. I've made all different types of characters over 20+, just trying to get people to notice me and accept me into their rp groups. I probably have spent over 100 dollars on fantasias and name changes alone. It's always different reasons: If you play a miqo'te you're a slut, if you play an Au Ra you're weeb trash. If you play an lalafell, you're not taken seriously. If you play a midlander, you're boring and unoriginal. These are the many conflicts I have that I've heard from others when I make my characters. I can't find that niche.
I wanted to address because there are some important things I'd like to point out to the contrary.
The idea that all Miqo'te are sluts, all Hyur are boring, all Lalafells aren't taken seriously is completely and utterly inaccurate. I've heard it said in jest, yes, but it's an aversion to the truth. If it were true, then I've been playing a Miqo'te ****boy and a boring Hyur for most of the time I've been playing this game. It sounds like you're just creating all the wrong reasons not to play what you like because, when you get down to it, there's a negative in any concept you'll play. The idea is not to avoid a negative. It's to find what YOU LIKE! And honestly, if you really wanna be a Miqo'te Slut, a boring Hyur, or a non-important Lalafell, then do it and own it!
Just the other night, I met one of the most simple and unoriginal concepts I'd ever heard of for a hyuran woman. At first glance, I, as a player, wouldn't find much interest in someone playing a simple, farmgirl, chocobo handler (and yes, that was it). However, the way they owned that concept and had fun with it -made- it interesting and original. Honestly? I wish I could've RPed with them longer, but, alas, there were some personal matters I had to address that night. You don't have to go out of your way to create intriguing, mysterious, abstract characters to find something you enjoy. Sometimes, in this case, less can be so much more.
The importance of RP is to have fun above anything else, and if it ceases to be fun, then perhaps it's time to take a step back, take a breather, reassess what you could do to make it fun again.
Quote:People don’t owe you jack shit. If you can’t find roleplay, it is your own damn mistake. If you don’t have the social skills to pull of such characters, just don’t roleplay said character. Find a more suitable character concept fitting with your real life skill set. If you can’t pull off the “Insert random character trope in hereâ€, guess what? Don’t roleplay it. You will be all the happier for it.
But ultimately? Get your whiny entitled ass out there and make your character interesting to interact with.
Now for you in specific.
I also wanted to address this. You, honestly, should be ashamed of yourself. Criticism like this isn't productive, and it doesn't help anyone, least of all the OP. While you're not wrong (on some things anyway), the manner in which you've approached the OP -is- wrong and isn't how you get anyone to listen to your opinions, let alone take them to heart.
I'd be willing to wager you're probably one of those people who roll their eyes when you find out someone is suicidal, thinking they're just trying to get attention. It's a cry out for help, as is the OP. For you to automatically assume they're the one at fault here, when you don't know exactly what happened, and how it happened, makes you just as in the wrong, if not more so. You know what assuming makes (ASS U ME).
That being said, I disagree with some of what you mentioned. You don't need to base your character on what someone else might find interesting. You find, and surround yourself with, people who -find- -your- character interesting. Yes, it's hard to do sometimes, and, yes, you can't expect everyone to respond to your character. No, you're not entitled to RP, but on the other side of the coin, no one, and I mean -no one- should have to cater to someone else's interests just for the sake of being included in a group.
To the OP, I'm sorry you didn't have a fun time at the Gala, but it has been mentioned in many of the posted replies that were are a million reasons why it was likely never intentional. I perfectly agree with the idea of attending smaller events for the purpose of making connections with other RPers. I like them better, to be honest, because I'm not a big fan of the ocean of scrolling chat such large events create.
That being said, if you'd ever like a new connection, you're welcome to message me on Nicholai Eboncrest for some RP. I'd be happy to welcome more RPers into my list of RP partners. ^^
Edit: Also wanted to say that invitation goes out to anyone else wanting to RP with me and my characters as well!