(12-31-2016, 09:30 AM)Evaleigh Wrote: There's no need to get defensive over the semantics I'm not attacking an individual or even you for that matter. Â
Did... did I say you were attacking me personally? I was attacking your argument, I wasn't offended.
And I never once said what you were doing was "wrong" what I said was see it from the other side and offer explanations as to what's probably happening. There's two sides to every story, and there's probably a logical explanation to most of those things beyond "No one wants me to RP with them"
If we continue the narrative that people are doing this maliciously, it's only doing the community a disservice. There are reasons people are doing what their doing that isn't "Ew. Newbies" like... 95% of the time.
Are there assholes in the community? HELL YES. There are assholes in EVERY community, but that's usually an outlier.