Finally chipping in on this, welp. I don't think people voicing their different experiences is meant to be "dehumanising or belittling" rather a "hey, perhaps try something like this or try to think like this way, there's still hope!"Â
Because yeah, it is down to personal experience. You may be unlucky and interact with every assholeish RPer/group ever, or just find your contacts get you nowhere. It happens to everyone at some point, and if you're brand new this can be very daunting. Everyone is different, and will react to being ignored or unsuccessful in different ways. Others will take it as a challenge, and others will go "welp, guess I'm just not good enough." As someone who started off as the latter, then finally got success after getting off my little wallflower butt and bought a pretty Roe a drink - I ended up joining an FC hours later and the rest was history.
Even the most experienced RPers who have been in this community a long time have felt so alone and that no one wants to interact with them. Heck, I still feel like this sometimes! But the truth is, you're not. No one is alone on Balmung, you just haven't found the right connections yet. There is a home for your character somewhere. Just keep trucking along, try new things and don't let it get you down. Send that "Hey, do you mind if I walk up to you?" tell, and see where it takes you. I'm sorry to whoever is feeling alone and like they don't belong, but keep trying, it does get better. Feel free to ping me if you want to RP or just chat.
Because yeah, it is down to personal experience. You may be unlucky and interact with every assholeish RPer/group ever, or just find your contacts get you nowhere. It happens to everyone at some point, and if you're brand new this can be very daunting. Everyone is different, and will react to being ignored or unsuccessful in different ways. Others will take it as a challenge, and others will go "welp, guess I'm just not good enough." As someone who started off as the latter, then finally got success after getting off my little wallflower butt and bought a pretty Roe a drink - I ended up joining an FC hours later and the rest was history.
Even the most experienced RPers who have been in this community a long time have felt so alone and that no one wants to interact with them. Heck, I still feel like this sometimes! But the truth is, you're not. No one is alone on Balmung, you just haven't found the right connections yet. There is a home for your character somewhere. Just keep trucking along, try new things and don't let it get you down. Send that "Hey, do you mind if I walk up to you?" tell, and see where it takes you. I'm sorry to whoever is feeling alone and like they don't belong, but keep trying, it does get better. Feel free to ping me if you want to RP or just chat.