There's just... so many reasons for everything in this discussion, that's why both sides get frustrated. There are HUNDREDS of reasons why someone did get RP or didn't get RP or got into a group fast or didn't. It's ridiculously hard to judge an entire community based on actions that are case by case. It's almost impossible to diagnose and cure said issues when there are so many. This isn't one thing ("I feel like I'm not welcome") this is a plethora of things that look like one thing. We just... don't know how to help here because we'd have to look at your case specifically and there's no way to DO that without screenshots or some kind of evidence as to what actually happened. The best we can give you is "Keep trying."
I'm not very active in the community myself. I have my own little bubble in my FC and I stick to that. Most would say my behavior is extremely cliquish. The truth is, as the GM of my guild, writing and organizing stories takes so much of my in game time (And out of game time - with meetings between all the Storytellers, helpers, and villains. Lore discussion and research to see what works and what doesn't, making sure members of the guild feel the story is open, addressing questions from members about advancing the plot, etc etc) between that and raiding I just don't have TIME to go outside of that circle. I'm hella open to new people, but most of the new people I meet are people my FC members have already met and just introduced me to. Does that make me a bad person because I can't really go out and make myself available to new people? I dunno, but that's my lot in this game.
I'm not very active in the community myself. I have my own little bubble in my FC and I stick to that. Most would say my behavior is extremely cliquish. The truth is, as the GM of my guild, writing and organizing stories takes so much of my in game time (And out of game time - with meetings between all the Storytellers, helpers, and villains. Lore discussion and research to see what works and what doesn't, making sure members of the guild feel the story is open, addressing questions from members about advancing the plot, etc etc) between that and raiding I just don't have TIME to go outside of that circle. I'm hella open to new people, but most of the new people I meet are people my FC members have already met and just introduced me to. Does that make me a bad person because I can't really go out and make myself available to new people? I dunno, but that's my lot in this game.