(01-01-2017, 12:37 AM)Kellach Woods Wrote: so apparently I have a license to be a complete jerk to people since English isn't my first language either.
Nope. It's more like you have a license to run into cultural and language differences. There are things that, if I were to translate them from, say, French to English, without any nuance, come off as completely rude. Because there's nuance to any translation, and that's not always apparent when the speaker/writer is using a language not their native tongue.
And, again, cultural differences. Like, what is polite in one place isn't polite in another.
(01-01-2017, 12:41 AM)RavieRaptor Wrote: They type pretty good english to be an excuse to speak that way. If she accidentally typed it that way, she would've apologized. But notice on the first page of this thread, they were still rude.
With her, it's a cultural thing, as far as I know. It doesn't bother me because it's words on the internet, but I get why you're upset that she's in-your-face and unapologetic. I was probably upset the first time that happened to me on the internet. I'd also point out, however, that politeness varies from region to region, country to country. She was civil, which is all these boards require you to be (simply because civility is more universal than actual politeness).