Ooh I like this!
- Western Thanalan (Silver Bazaar): Sunset. His favorite spot for meditation, sitting near the cliffside and overlooking the strait. Plus supporting the struggling merchants there!
- The Goblet (Rooftops): Nighttime. He loves heights and tries to find the best, solitary places for stargazing and reflection. ...Even if it means a tiiiiiny bit of trespassing.
- North Shroud (Forests): Morning/Daytime. He enjoys the chill of the Shroud in the north, reminds him of his home. He doesn't go here often, but it's still one of his favorites.
- Western La Noscea (Aleport): Evening. The bustling of merchants and pirates as they end their day with drinks is just the sort of liveliness he enjoys!
- Dravanian Forelands (Tailfeather): Daytime. There’s good hunting to be had, in the form of dangerous game and a harsh wilderness. Punch a bear in the face!
- Central Thanalan (Coffer & Coffin): Anytime. Madoc likes to meet clients and contacts here, where it’s convenient but not too crowded like the Quicksand.