Everyone else has already addressed most of your post but
Yeah, and it's also got the continent being utterly decimated by a dragon spirit summoned by the tortured cries for help from sentient beings being imprisoned for millennia.
You seem to be running under the assumption that FFXIV's setting is supposed to be bright and shiny, when it's really the opposite. Eorzea as the story shows is a pretty dark place where even the main city-states are either hugely corrupt at the top level, run as dictatorships, or are bound in servitude to eldritch spirits with inscrutable motivations.
(02-23-2017, 07:19 PM)Seriphyn Wrote: get rape out of my game that has cutesy midgets and flying white teddy bears in it.
Yeah, and it's also got the continent being utterly decimated by a dragon spirit summoned by the tortured cries for help from sentient beings being imprisoned for millennia.
You seem to be running under the assumption that FFXIV's setting is supposed to be bright and shiny, when it's really the opposite. Eorzea as the story shows is a pretty dark place where even the main city-states are either hugely corrupt at the top level, run as dictatorships, or are bound in servitude to eldritch spirits with inscrutable motivations.