Just a Reminder; The Image at the top is incorrect! Our Event is for tomorrow. I'm removing the picture as it was a fatal error. Its tomorrow Sunday and the following Saturday. I made the image after an 8 day stretch at work so ...that was terribly my bad.
Sunday the 26th and Saturday the 1st we will hosting these events. @ 7pm Eastern each day!
Sunday the 26th and Saturday the 1st we will hosting these events. @ 7pm Eastern each day!
K N I G H T S - O F - E O R Z E A [ C L I C K - H E R E - F O R - W E B S I T E ]
A Roleplay Community Focused on the Idealism's of Knighthoods and Serving the Greater Good
A Roleplay Community Focused on the Idealism's of Knighthoods and Serving the Greater Good