My turn to double-post!
Just Sastasha normal, I am in a 3/4 premade (AST/BRD/BRD) and the 1 is the tank (DRK). He comments on how high our DPS is and the healer encourages him to pull more. We end up pulling like half the room at once in most of them.
We get to the last room and the healer is like,
"Let's just pull the whole thing and ranged LB it."
The tank is like hey if you're down! And me and my friend DPS are like HELL YEAH LET'S DO IT.
So we do it.
About half way through everything's HP pool I realise that I have an awful lot of aggro! At first I think it's just because I've been quicknocking too much but then I glance over at the aggro table to see how far ahead I am and I see the tank is dead. So is the other bard. (Not sure how I managed to miss that!)
So, because I played WoW for ten years, I start kiting.
I hit anything I lose aggro on to the healer until it's attacking me again, and I keep kiting... and I keep kiting... all the way to when the tank and other bard rejoin us.
It was so fun. I don't think I've had that much fun clearing Sastasha synced in ever. xD
And I got the tank's comm.
Just Sastasha normal, I am in a 3/4 premade (AST/BRD/BRD) and the 1 is the tank (DRK). He comments on how high our DPS is and the healer encourages him to pull more. We end up pulling like half the room at once in most of them.
We get to the last room and the healer is like,
"Let's just pull the whole thing and ranged LB it."
The tank is like hey if you're down! And me and my friend DPS are like HELL YEAH LET'S DO IT.
So we do it.
About half way through everything's HP pool I realise that I have an awful lot of aggro! At first I think it's just because I've been quicknocking too much but then I glance over at the aggro table to see how far ahead I am and I see the tank is dead. So is the other bard. (Not sure how I managed to miss that!)
So, because I played WoW for ten years, I start kiting.
I hit anything I lose aggro on to the healer until it's attacking me again, and I keep kiting... and I keep kiting... all the way to when the tank and other bard rejoin us.
It was so fun. I don't think I've had that much fun clearing Sastasha synced in ever. xD
And I got the tank's comm.