(07-23-2017, 10:35 PM)Kieron Lohengrin Wrote: Welcome!Thank you for the welcome! And it's such a nice coat. Makes a wonderful formal coat.
Your screenie reminds me just how badly I want the philosopher's coat on a non-caster class D:
(07-23-2017, 11:38 PM)Valic Wrote: She's beautifulThank you! At the moment I'm more trying to get small things going, such as getting her doing things she normally wouldn't; but the larger picture is drama and such related to her family. It's hard to go into details regarding it without spoilers; but it has to do with a tightly kept secret the woman holds and it all kind of cascades from there.
Can you give a summary or idea of the story you're hoping to get going?
(07-23-2017, 11:47 PM)Kaiverta Wrote: Hopefully I'll be able to get back into FF Online sometime in the future and can RP with you.I look forward to it!
(07-24-2017, 01:18 AM)A Wrote: A'kos would be open to all that  I can't say about the relationship part right off the bat, but it's possible.  I'd be interested in storyline ideas you have and would welcome hearing about it. o/As stated up higher in the post, I'm more interested in minor stuff related to getting the woman doing more things and having her open up more beyond just constantly working and working. I tend to try and do small story things related to the character I'm RPing with, so it depends on them as well!
(07-24-2017, 01:53 AM)Faye Wrote: My character is also from a noble family and could use some more lady friends--the two could have easily heard of each other('s families) or perhaps even met in the past for an easy landing point. I would be happy to RP sometime!Always need more noble lady friends. I'd gladly RP with you sometime!
~ As a general note, feel free to add me ingame. I'm usually on 4pm EST and later.