I haven't decided on a server yet either. I'm leaning a little more toward balmung, so whether I see you in-game or not welcome to the forums.
EDIT: and thanks for this
EDIT: and thanks for this
FreelanceWizard Wrote:BalmungI like the thought of experienced players/RPer that could assist and advise some on Balmung.
It was the original RPC server after the server merges in 1.x, so it has an existing RP community and a character continuity, along with the structure and events that can bring.
The existence of 1.x characters combined with the addition of new characters means it will have an active economy and game experience at all levels from launch.
It has a reputation as the "unofficial RP server" among 1.x players, so it is likely to have more RPers than an average server.
The fact that some people are actively opposed to Legacy-tagged servers produces a barrier to entry that may repel non-RPers.
The existence of characters at high levels means that there will be ample people to provide advice and assistance in gameplay to low level characters.
It's a fresh server, so there's no existing community or character continuity, nor any baggage those might have.
It is well known in the beta community that Gilgamesh is the RPC's other RP server choice, so it will have more RPers than an average server.
As a fresh server, the economy will grow with the server, as will the game experience. The player base is guaranteed to be concentrated at low levels at launch, which should maximize gathering and crafting income and grouping opportunities at those levels.
The barrier to entry caused by some players' opposition to Legacy-tagged servers means it will probably have a higher population than Balmung.
Because the character base is low level, you're much more likely to be able to achieve server firsts than on a Legacy server.