(07-27-2013, 12:15 PM)Vashies Alexander Wrote: question do we have to sign up for open beta?Â
Two: If we all ready in the phase 3 beta are we all ready signed up for the open beta?
3: If we have sign up for the open beta where do we do this?
If you are not already registered for beta (meaning you didn't already sign up for it) then you will need to do so, if you don't get a key before they announce the start date I would advice trying to register again as they may create a new form specifically for Phase 4 signups. If you are already enrolled in beta from Phase 3 or earlier then you are already enrolled in beta for Phase 4 and do not need to do anything. When they announce Phase 4 there will be a new launcher you'll need to download (presumably the commercial one they'll use for launch day), other than that it's beta as normal.