(05-31-2013, 08:30 PM)Bea Wrote: A pretty straight forward question. Are you guys playing anything now, or looking forward to any other MMOs aside from 14?Playing GW2, Ace of Spades, and old 64k emulators with a friend to keep me busy. I am going insane. My arms itch, and I need my fix.Â
I'm a bit of a MMO vagabond, even without waiting for 14, I'm constantly playing and looking forward to the newest MMO. But, currently I'm mainly playing Guild Wars 2 (Tarnished Coast server), with a little bit of Lord of the Rings Online and The Secret World from time to time.
As far as MMOs I'm looking forward to... At the smack dab top of my list is WildStar, followed by Black Desert, and The Elder Scrolls Online. And waaaaay off in the unforeseeable future (...or maybe never) Monster Hunter Online.
The only other MMO I'd look at is Elder Scrolls Online, which seems to be going in a pretty good direction as well. I've been an elder scrolls fan since the dawn of time, but I have always liked final fantasy as well. Although I know far less about the FF universe than the ES universe.
Felix Sideris
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