I voted Hyur. I like the design you picked out for him more as a Hyur than the one picked as a Miqo'. There are tons of Miqo's obviously (and I'm not saying that you shouldn't roll one for that reason), and a lot of us look the same. In Phase 3 I think I encountered maybe 2 or 3 Hyur males, and uncountable Miqo'tes. For that reason it's harder to stick out as a Miqo--if sticking out is what you're going for.
[Warning: My unpopular point of view follows. Please skip if tempted to hijack the thread with another Miqo'te-related argument.]
[End opinionated opinions.]
But all that aside, do what you think you'll enjoy most. What fits the character you have planned? What do you find more pleasing to play? At the end of the day, it's not really about pleasing other people--just yourself. I actually would recommend making a list of pros and cons for both and weighing your options if it's still a difficult decision.
[Warning: My unpopular point of view follows. Please skip if tempted to hijack the thread with another Miqo'te-related argument.]
But all that aside, do what you think you'll enjoy most. What fits the character you have planned? What do you find more pleasing to play? At the end of the day, it's not really about pleasing other people--just yourself. I actually would recommend making a list of pros and cons for both and weighing your options if it's still a difficult decision.