Kevaraan's going to be stubborn too. He was 24.... and, in his opinion, he's still 24.
He might eventually just allow people to think he was originally 19 though, but everyone he's close to will probably know and (hopefully) accept the original explanation. Now that I think on it, the fact that he timeskipped is quite disconcerting to him, and he worries over it. (He expected a battle, but not a mage time-warping the lot.)
So, I suppose I am using the discrepancy to flesh out my character a bit?
He might eventually just allow people to think he was originally 19 though, but everyone he's close to will probably know and (hopefully) accept the original explanation. Now that I think on it, the fact that he timeskipped is quite disconcerting to him, and he worries over it. (He expected a battle, but not a mage time-warping the lot.)
So, I suppose I am using the discrepancy to flesh out my character a bit?