One of my first end game shells had a average age of about 23+. There wasn't a lot of mature discussion on the shell because everyone was busy with end game events/progression and all the chat was focused around game mechanics. One of the officers decided that his 13 year old child was old enough to play FFXI and be in the linkshell. He definitely had his parents permission but it wore on everyone else quickly. He was constantly chattering, demanding people help him, and would have fits if things didn't go his way. During our first dynamis run with him he successfully tanked the entire run after ganking tons of gear from people who had earned them with "Oops" as his only comment >.>
When the issue was brought to the attention of the parent, he refused to believe or understand why it was a issue with any of the shell members. He insisted that he would just watch his child more carefully, but it didn't help. Eventually rules had to be made just to accommodate this one person and it was frustrating for everyone involved.
Conversely my end game shell has an average age of 26-27+ with several people who are well into their 40's. We talk about work, taxes, our children, game mechanics and yes, sex. No, we're not having sex at all but we joke about it and post image on the forums (like motivational poster kinda stuff) that aren't appropriate for children. Everything we say is just joking around and no one takes it seriously, but for kids it might be a bit confusing or misleading. We don't have an age limit and to be honest when people under 18 join the shell they normally get bored anyway. Who wants to hang out with a bunch of old people when we start talking about music from the 80's and why we hate our bosses? - Since the few teenagers who have joined leave, my guess is no one XD
To make a long post even longer, I'm a mom and I watch my kid like a hawk. However, I know a couple in my linkshell that have a daughter who is one week younger then mine and they don't watch her at all. More then once I've heard about them yelling over ventrillo for their four year old son to watch the baby so they can keep chaining exp >.> It's really rough for me to constantly be having to watch her and never getting a moment to myself, but I'd rather myself be inconvenienced and know I'm being a responsible parent. Not all parents are responsible and would rather blame the evils of the internet and other people for their child's behavior. The rules are here to protect ourselves as much as the children (yep, teenagers are children no matter how mature they are).
Age requirements are not a bad thing, nor does it mean everyone is talking about something naughty who join. It's just letting people know what the mentality of the shell is and to make it easy on hyper sensitive parents who aren't really watching their kid as carefully as they could.
When the issue was brought to the attention of the parent, he refused to believe or understand why it was a issue with any of the shell members. He insisted that he would just watch his child more carefully, but it didn't help. Eventually rules had to be made just to accommodate this one person and it was frustrating for everyone involved.
Conversely my end game shell has an average age of 26-27+ with several people who are well into their 40's. We talk about work, taxes, our children, game mechanics and yes, sex. No, we're not having sex at all but we joke about it and post image on the forums (like motivational poster kinda stuff) that aren't appropriate for children. Everything we say is just joking around and no one takes it seriously, but for kids it might be a bit confusing or misleading. We don't have an age limit and to be honest when people under 18 join the shell they normally get bored anyway. Who wants to hang out with a bunch of old people when we start talking about music from the 80's and why we hate our bosses? - Since the few teenagers who have joined leave, my guess is no one XD
To make a long post even longer, I'm a mom and I watch my kid like a hawk. However, I know a couple in my linkshell that have a daughter who is one week younger then mine and they don't watch her at all. More then once I've heard about them yelling over ventrillo for their four year old son to watch the baby so they can keep chaining exp >.> It's really rough for me to constantly be having to watch her and never getting a moment to myself, but I'd rather myself be inconvenienced and know I'm being a responsible parent. Not all parents are responsible and would rather blame the evils of the internet and other people for their child's behavior. The rules are here to protect ourselves as much as the children (yep, teenagers are children no matter how mature they are).
Age requirements are not a bad thing, nor does it mean everyone is talking about something naughty who join. It's just letting people know what the mentality of the shell is and to make it easy on hyper sensitive parents who aren't really watching their kid as carefully as they could.