Hiname Wrote:Monadi Wrote:We're very strictly AGAINST erotic roleplay. It's just not something we do or believe is good at all for the health of a roleplay community. What y'all do is your own business though.
Im lacking for a more matching word, curse you my damn 290 / 300 English skills. +raises fist in anger*
So due mentioning lacking Im using this one and hope everyone get what I am trying to say: Sexist much? Its not more or less harmfull then playing military-RP that involves non-engine combat.
I get what you mean, and I sort of agree. I completely understand that people don't want to ERP, and I think it's something that should always be kept in private, but I don't see it as worse than playing out violence, and everyone playing the game, and not just by crafting, does that all the time. But as I mentioned in a previous post, it might be a cultural difference, Denmark have always been pretty "relaxed" regarding sexual content (the first country to legalize porn?), and things like purity rings would likely be laughed off the stage here, so I might be biased
Then again, I've seen pretty heavy crusading against ERP on EU servers too, so it might just be different viewpoints
I came for the ERP, I stayed for the free booze.