(09-30-2013, 11:39 AM)Theodric Ironheart Wrote: I have nothing but sympathy for people who are deliberately targeted and assaulted with foul language or thinly veiled insults. They're well within their right to be offended when that happens. Though that's not really the sort of angle this thread is aimed at - I'm more referring to the players who claim to be 'offended' by someone else having their character say 'shite' or one of the numerous other phrases that can be labelled as mature language that are already used frequently in the game itself.
I've seen a similar scenario play out when that sort of language is used OOC as part of a friendly discussion. The thing is, this isn't WoW: the game isn't rated as suitable for minors, it's rated for a specific target audience that is expected to be of a particular age and maturity. I find it somewhat troubling that my conversations can readily be stifled because one or two players decide that they're offended when I exclaim 'Seven Hells!' IC or 'Bloody Hell!' OOC.
This often leads to appeasement, since channel moderators are often indoctrinated into trying to keep the peace by asking everyone to tone things down. I can certainly understand where they're coming from, but in cases where the mature language isn't directed at another player and isn't as excessive as the 'F-word' being dropped into every other sentence I believe some players need to reconsider the sort of game they've invested in.
I completely agree with you. I hope my tone before had didn't present itself as argumentative, I was just trying to offer up my assumptions as to the 'why' factor. I do think it's silly for people to get their knickers in a twist over things that are a part of the theme of the game. It's almost akin to being offended that people with swords kill monsters. But all in all swearing, unlike killing things, isn't an integral part of enjoyment of the game, and so someone is going to complain about it.
As far as ratings go and comparing it to WoW however...
...they're approximately the same page.
(as far as Americans are concerned)