(10-18-2013, 06:32 PM)Nimarhie Wrote: When I was a part of the swtor site on enjin there was a person who would makeup titles of bad_romance novels and write snippets of them. It was a lot of fun, and some were hilarious... I could do the same if you make a wiki page...
Haha that sounds great.
Some titles I'm thinking about/working on for background filler so far: Summa aetheriae, which would be an overall treatise of the workings of aether, and De potentia primorum, a sort of foundational theological text concerning the Twelve. I'll be out of town this weekend, but I can have some summaries and background up for them. I doubt I'll go down the road of writing out text for them explicitly just yet, but more just to name drop them for flavor. In my mind so far they're huge, multi-volume collections in the vein of Aquinas' Summa theologicae, maybe with a couple volumes lost (future adventure hooks), and mostly recomposed from quotations and references made by other ancient authors.
As an aside, I can't figure out how to fix my signature and the more active I become on the forums, the more it bugs me. Halp?
(10-18-2013, 06:18 PM)Olofantur Wrote: there is already an "official" literature page on the Wiki with a sparse few texts (which I linked in my first post). and If possible I would like to use it as the foundation for added works, since some listed are player made already.
We have also considered using the forums as a meens of validation, particularly with more broad topic works. (also mentioned up there.)
Yeah, I don't want to ignore what's already out there (I was particularly impressed by Kannadi's contributions), but I think reorganizing it somehow into a clearer or more inviting format like the Duskwight wiki might be a good idea. Myself? Not a wiki wizard; I'm more of an ideas guy.