Hello, I'm new to this forum, having only discovered it a few days ago, but I thought I'd dip my toe in by posting here, rather than jumping in at the deep end.
Much interesting discussion about the RP on the server! I've not been playing the game for long (a little under 2 months), and had never played any FF-related game of any kind before, but I found overall that people were extremely willing to help inform and educate on things like lore and also the little particularities of RP in this game as opposed to others.
So far, I've found that interacting with ongoing RP that's "in public" has not really been that much of an issue, at least, not as seen from this end, and as long as I've kept my character strictly in character (and taken it as, whatever is being said, is being said to her, not me, whether it's IC or OOC), it's fine.
Seems to me, many people are willing to just "jump in" even if the scene you're currently playing is small (involving 2 or 3 people) and private - and I think it's awesome! An example: the other day, I was playing an alt, who is asocial, not used to people, and quite inexperienced in many ways. She got very upset after a man she trusted tried to press more attention on her than she wanted, and ran out of the building in Hawthorne. Her friend was waiting there, and they were talking about what happened, when an unknown player, in Twin Adders uniform, who was just standing there apparently guarding, overheard them and decided to go in and investigate. He never spoke directly to my character, preferring to give her the space she clearly needed, but did go in and find out what the other guy thought he was doing.
Little touches like that make the world a lot more vibrant to me, and I think the more of that sort of thing goes on, the richer the place will be - we don't need humongous, scripted mega-events all over the place, necessarily, although those are certainly interesting to see and/or participate in!
Speaking of, Ysobel is planning on getting married soon at the Sactum of the Twelve - I mention this here because (a) while there are a number of set guests who will be invited to stand near the front, I think the more want to come participate in what should be a happy event, the merrier and (b) since mention was made of recurring events at the Sanctum, I'd hate to book a time that conflicted with one of them!
Just 2 gil from a forum newbie.
Much interesting discussion about the RP on the server! I've not been playing the game for long (a little under 2 months), and had never played any FF-related game of any kind before, but I found overall that people were extremely willing to help inform and educate on things like lore and also the little particularities of RP in this game as opposed to others.
So far, I've found that interacting with ongoing RP that's "in public" has not really been that much of an issue, at least, not as seen from this end, and as long as I've kept my character strictly in character (and taken it as, whatever is being said, is being said to her, not me, whether it's IC or OOC), it's fine.
Seems to me, many people are willing to just "jump in" even if the scene you're currently playing is small (involving 2 or 3 people) and private - and I think it's awesome! An example: the other day, I was playing an alt, who is asocial, not used to people, and quite inexperienced in many ways. She got very upset after a man she trusted tried to press more attention on her than she wanted, and ran out of the building in Hawthorne. Her friend was waiting there, and they were talking about what happened, when an unknown player, in Twin Adders uniform, who was just standing there apparently guarding, overheard them and decided to go in and investigate. He never spoke directly to my character, preferring to give her the space she clearly needed, but did go in and find out what the other guy thought he was doing.
Little touches like that make the world a lot more vibrant to me, and I think the more of that sort of thing goes on, the richer the place will be - we don't need humongous, scripted mega-events all over the place, necessarily, although those are certainly interesting to see and/or participate in!
Speaking of, Ysobel is planning on getting married soon at the Sactum of the Twelve - I mention this here because (a) while there are a number of set guests who will be invited to stand near the front, I think the more want to come participate in what should be a happy event, the merrier and (b) since mention was made of recurring events at the Sanctum, I'd hate to book a time that conflicted with one of them!
Just 2 gil from a forum newbie.
Ysobel Estremont, Free Paladin, at your service