I'd like everyone to assume that now that it is the 2nd, the bidding is over. So I'll calculate the times for Lacryel that bids were made, It's calculated via EST Timezone, so once it hit the 2nd our time, the bidding was over. Hope you all enjoy your slots! I'll edit my post here to see who got what.
Slots Filled:
Slot 1: K'luha 151k 11:31 PM EST Final Bid
Slot 2: Trigonxv 150k 11:49PM EST Final Bid
Slot 3: Twinflame 110k 11:49 PM EST Final Bid
(These were the times given to the last bidders that bid before 12:00 AM EST of December 2nd)
To those who are interested in future bids STAY IN TOUCH, once these arts are finished, the bidding will most likely open again.
Slots Filled:
Slot 1: K'luha 151k 11:31 PM EST Final Bid
Slot 2: Trigonxv 150k 11:49PM EST Final Bid
Slot 3: Twinflame 110k 11:49 PM EST Final Bid
(These were the times given to the last bidders that bid before 12:00 AM EST of December 2nd)
To those who are interested in future bids STAY IN TOUCH, once these arts are finished, the bidding will most likely open again.
<center><a href="http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/wiki/index.php?title=Kira_Draheim"><img src="http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/238/b/6/b61f54d21460a1b5ef88eb15f777b567-d6jrou2.png"></a></center>