I'd err on the side on not assuming anybody lives multiple centuries. The only precedents we've got for unusually lifespans are that Lalafell that was apparently in 1.0, and some obviously supernatural examples. So while Elezen live longer than Hyur, I think it's better to not assume they're functionally immortal. While they are more or less elves, they certainly aren't Tolkien elves.
Also keep in mind that a big piece of average lifespan has to do with living conditions. Folks who are more well-off and have regular access to good, healthy, fresh food and good medical care are going to live longer than those living in poverty. So Wildwood Elezen, who are socially near the top of the heap in Gridania, which is a lush natural paradise for the most part and also home to an entire guild of adept healers, would have an advantage in lifespan that doesn't even come from being naturally predisposed to live longer than others. Meanwhile, Duskwight Elezen are marginalized in the exact same spaces where Wildwoods flourish- they wouldn't have the same access to health care and proper nutrition, and might even be denied healing from Conjurers on the basis of maintaining the natural balance and not offending the Elementals. So it wouldn't be implausible to assume Duskwights do not live as long as Wildwoods.
The same might be said for Highlanders versus Midlanders- while Highlanders have a hardier constitution, they are also outsiders in the regions they inhabit, due to their (typically) Ala Mhigan background. We've all seen the living conditions in Little Ala Mhigo and places like Pearl Lane. There's also the issue of the Ala Mhigans who refuse medicine that is not traditional for their people- and the fact that the medicine available in the city is, as we've seen, experimental and dangerous handouts from the Alchemists' Guild, that the people have little choice but to accept. It seems unlikely that on average a Highlander Hyur would live much longer than a Midlander at all.
As for the other three... Many Miqo'te live as assimilated into Eorzean society as the average Midlander, but there are still quite a number living out in tribal situations outside of the city-states, who lack the steady access to resources and care that city-dwelling Miqo'te would. They've also got what appears to be a diet that skews more carnivorous, and a more small, delicate build than the other non-beastman races of Eorzea. These factors tend to contribute towards a shorter lifespan on average, but given that Miqo'te are still fairly human-like, it wouldn't make a huge difference, especially with city-dwelling Miqo'te. Roegadyn are larger and not actively marginalized in any circles, and would likely on average have decent access to resources and care. They'd probably live around the same length of lifespan as Hyur, possibly a little longer. And Lalafell? Evidently there are examples of them living well over a century in 1.0, though I'd love to get a source on that. There are a lot of Lalafell in the upper echelons of Eorzean society, especially Ul'dah, so they also have the benefit of resources, moreso than a number of other races.
Ultimately, I think the range of average lifespans for the five main races in FFXIV is probably not hugely variant, and likely crosses the span between 60 to 120 at the extremes. There's nothing indicating any of the races live multiple centuries, or anything shorter than a respectable 60 years, barring extraordinary circumstances.
What I'm curious about is the average lifespan for beastmen. What's the life expectancy for a Sylph, Ixal, or Amalj'aa? What about Goblins and Qiqirn?
Also keep in mind that a big piece of average lifespan has to do with living conditions. Folks who are more well-off and have regular access to good, healthy, fresh food and good medical care are going to live longer than those living in poverty. So Wildwood Elezen, who are socially near the top of the heap in Gridania, which is a lush natural paradise for the most part and also home to an entire guild of adept healers, would have an advantage in lifespan that doesn't even come from being naturally predisposed to live longer than others. Meanwhile, Duskwight Elezen are marginalized in the exact same spaces where Wildwoods flourish- they wouldn't have the same access to health care and proper nutrition, and might even be denied healing from Conjurers on the basis of maintaining the natural balance and not offending the Elementals. So it wouldn't be implausible to assume Duskwights do not live as long as Wildwoods.
The same might be said for Highlanders versus Midlanders- while Highlanders have a hardier constitution, they are also outsiders in the regions they inhabit, due to their (typically) Ala Mhigan background. We've all seen the living conditions in Little Ala Mhigo and places like Pearl Lane. There's also the issue of the Ala Mhigans who refuse medicine that is not traditional for their people- and the fact that the medicine available in the city is, as we've seen, experimental and dangerous handouts from the Alchemists' Guild, that the people have little choice but to accept. It seems unlikely that on average a Highlander Hyur would live much longer than a Midlander at all.
As for the other three... Many Miqo'te live as assimilated into Eorzean society as the average Midlander, but there are still quite a number living out in tribal situations outside of the city-states, who lack the steady access to resources and care that city-dwelling Miqo'te would. They've also got what appears to be a diet that skews more carnivorous, and a more small, delicate build than the other non-beastman races of Eorzea. These factors tend to contribute towards a shorter lifespan on average, but given that Miqo'te are still fairly human-like, it wouldn't make a huge difference, especially with city-dwelling Miqo'te. Roegadyn are larger and not actively marginalized in any circles, and would likely on average have decent access to resources and care. They'd probably live around the same length of lifespan as Hyur, possibly a little longer. And Lalafell? Evidently there are examples of them living well over a century in 1.0, though I'd love to get a source on that. There are a lot of Lalafell in the upper echelons of Eorzean society, especially Ul'dah, so they also have the benefit of resources, moreso than a number of other races.
Ultimately, I think the range of average lifespans for the five main races in FFXIV is probably not hugely variant, and likely crosses the span between 60 to 120 at the extremes. There's nothing indicating any of the races live multiple centuries, or anything shorter than a respectable 60 years, barring extraordinary circumstances.
What I'm curious about is the average lifespan for beastmen. What's the life expectancy for a Sylph, Ixal, or Amalj'aa? What about Goblins and Qiqirn?