I also echo that whomever told you to leave the server was being a twit.
That kind of attitude is far, far poorer form than -any- lore bending or outright lore breaking.
We're all here creating together and in a game where official lore has a large, LARGE number of holes as well as a fair number of contradictions between in-game and out-of-game statements, I can't believe that someone would be that...militant. Â Well, actually I can, cause some people are twits, but yeah.
I'm no lore expert at all so I won't put myself forward as that, but I will say that I'd be happy to RP with you.
That kind of attitude is far, far poorer form than -any- lore bending or outright lore breaking.
We're all here creating together and in a game where official lore has a large, LARGE number of holes as well as a fair number of contradictions between in-game and out-of-game statements, I can't believe that someone would be that...militant. Â Well, actually I can, cause some people are twits, but yeah.
I'm no lore expert at all so I won't put myself forward as that, but I will say that I'd be happy to RP with you.